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Purpose of the Project:
Translate human reaction, expression, activity and behavior in a virtual world/online space into a new form of portrait to represent identity. Understand the possibility of speculative portraits that can be used in multiple scenarios in the future.

Details of the Project:
In this demo, you will be asked to answer a few questions and submit your photo and google account data.

Results from this demo will add to the public presentation inside and outside of ArtCenter. There are no known risks associated with your participation in this demo or research, as your name and data will be completely anonymous. Your data will be collected and it will be visible on this website.

The researcher respects your privacy. Confidentiality of your participation records will be strictly maintained. There will be total confidentiality: No personal identifiable information, such as your name, will be collected. Your name will never be publicly shared and the researcher will never publicly share the data you shared. Students' names or any other identifying factors will be removed from publication and gallery or replaced with auto generated names. The researcher will not grade or evaluate any of the above observation elements or results. The researcher gathers data and explores it only during the assigned time of week5 - week7. All recordings or submissions will be kept confidential and all records will be destroyed after the final thesis presentation. However, portraits out of submitted data will be kept, without any identifying information, for further use in areas such as design competitions.

Please submit after reading the disclaimer above closely.